Welcome to Veritas Seed Data

Welcome to Veritas Seed Data! Here you will find a great place for the South Dakota (and surrounding areas) corn farmer to more thoroughly explore the entire industry's offering of corn hybrids. Not only will you be able to assess and compare hybrid performance over a broad set of parameters (geography, years, planting rates, yield levels), you will also be able to determine which ones are most likely to be a “best fit” for your own unique combinations of geographical location, planting rates, and yield levels.
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“Veritas” is Latin for “truth”. And that is what you’ll find here. No bias, no spin, no outside interpretation of the data. The data is encouraged, instead, to “speak for itself”. We pull together as much data from as many sources as we can find, hoping to build the kind of “critical mass” behind the numbers in order to give you the level of confidence you need to find those hybrids that best fit your needs agronomically, and those that represent the greatest value economically. And we give you the tools necessary to ascertain both of those objectives.
So we invite you to roll up your pant legs and wade into the data.  Poke it and prod it, sift it and sort it, examine it and explore it.  Tease out the patterns of performance that will give you insights into a deeper understanding of the nature and behavior of the hybrids you’ll be planting on your farm.

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